From: patricia on 09/07/2002
thank you.
i have replaced my tapi*.dll files and that wasn't the further explain, when i go through Control Panel - Settings - Modems and then click on Dialing Properties I get an Error Box with Rundll32 in the title bar, text says "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the program vendor."
when i click on Details>> it tells me "RUNDLL32 caused a stack fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 014f:bff725c5."
very frustrating!
i have extracted both the Rundll32.exe and Kernel32.dll from my Win95 disk and that did not solve the problem either.
i am stumped. outside of re-installing my whole operating system, any other suggestions?!! i really hate to resort to THAT!
thanks again.
: Your 'Tapiaddr.dll' file is missing or damaged.
: You need to replace this file from the Windows 95 install CD.
: For more information, please visit,
: This KBA Q191152 should help you extract the file and get back to life.
: Post back if you need more assistance.
: Computerpilot