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 WAOL caused a stack fault - kernel 32.dll Post a Reply  
From: Theo on 03/03/2002
After compacting my AOL personal filing cabinet, I keep getting an error message when I try to open it:
WAOL caused a stack fault at module kernel 32.dll
I have tried scan disk, defrag and reloading AOL and it is clear the fault is with the PFC. AOL has been of no help and say they don't know how to fix this. Any ideas? Thanks.

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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: PEPPER on 08/25/2004

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From: Razored on 03/02/2003
into* the AOL folder and look for organize you will see your screen names a few times.

Copy it (THE CLOSED ORGANIZE FOLDER) to your desk top, reboot than go back in and delete the folder.


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From: Razored on 03/02/2003
Ok, first things first :)

If AOL is open, it will be the messenger of errors, when its not open explorer is.

Sounds like your PFC is corrupted, could have been too full. If you go inot the AOL folder and look for organize you will see your screen names a few times. Copy it to your desk top, reboot than go back in and delete the folder. Sign on AOL, see if that works. If so the file is corrupt, or just that screen name.

If not, you still have all the info to copy back/

Know what the kernel32.dll is:

Learn your system and its needs. Cleaning, defraging, disk clean up, virus scans, updating and upgrading when needed. Older Windows versions and older PC's that have not been cleaned or upgraded are suspect to more than just a few error messages. Over heating and little space, become issues.

That goes for any programs or internet connections. Adding one more program that your computer cannot process can start a domino effect.

Learning about your computer is your best defense, including the registry area.

In addition, many companies are limited to areas of support and cannot cross those boundaries. It is a trouble shooting process and there are no guarantees


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From: Ivy Lynn on 03/01/2003
I have been having this problem for 7 days now, (WAOL caused a fault in Kernel 32.DLL)but after speaking to AOl , they say as im using Win ME that the solutions they have only apply to win 95/98,so im left with this problem.
When i sign off AOL i cannot get back on without phoning AOl and going though uninsall/reinstall, and varios other time consuming things,it is driving me potty.Is there any answers?

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From: ben on 01/24/2003
From: ben on 1/24/2002
I have spoken to over 400 AOL users over the past 9 weeks.
I work for a nationwide computer technical support company
doing technical support on a pay-per-minute basis.
*** "Typical AOL 8.0 problems" *** include:

Increased memory requirements for this version of the AOL client
force many users to unload non-vital startup components and
other boot-loaded programs that aren't mission critical to free
up as much RAM as possible before the new AOL client will
function reliably.

AN AOL Tech Support Manager explained:
You really should have at least 128MB of RAM, and around 70
percent of system resources should be available to run smoothly.


I have also come across several AOL 7.0 clients that have RECENTLY
developed problems with Internet Explorer browsing capability.
There are also assorted CRASHES involving WAOL.EXE and various
Windows components.

On several Win98 and WinME systems, the AOL client will attempt
to connect up to three times. It appears at this point that the
client has successfully logged into AOL, but IE will not connect
to any web sites. Users report that the AOL package appears to work
(mail, normal aol pages function) but not IE or anything using
the TCP stack or Windows dial-up networking.

Removing the AOL adapter from the network control panel fixes
some of these systems.
Running 'Repair Interner Explorer' utility from System Information
fixes some of these systems.
Running INETWIZ has successfully repaired a small number
of these systems.

Worst case scenario: (as best I can tell, the customer was still down)

Removed all AOL software (Add/Remove Programs)
Removed Dial-up Networking component (Add/Remove programs)
Removed ALL components from Network control panel.
Removed and reinstalled all modem drivers.
Reinstalled Internet Explorer (5.5)
Reinstalled AOL 7.0/8.0 and let Network components reinstall as needed.

This problem is teched out to varying degrees by AOL technical support, at which point the AOL tech deems the modem drivers or Windows OS to be at fault, and tells the AOL customer to call us
to fix the problem. Several AOL customers report spending HOURS with AOL customer support techs before being abandoned.

Please post any information that surfaces regarding any sources to
current AOL problems and any verified FIXES for these problems.

(I'd almost have to refer to these as possible 7.0/8.0 release BUGS)



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From: Americans On Lithium(AOL) on 01/23/2003
For you people out there that actually rely on AOL for a ISP are getting exactly what you deserve. You all are so wanting to be the next person to hear "You've Got Mail" just like your friends you probably went out and baught a pair of shoes just because of the name brand. So to all of you people out there with AOL as your ISP you are nothing but Label Whores. That is all AOL is good for is a label but if you were really intelligent you would realize that everyone that has other ISP service is laughing at you sorry individuals.
AOL is not your only choice. and far as a posting that someone else put on here about AOL putting a bunch of spy ware on your system well that is just not true where you are getting all this spy ware out there is people installing programs like Kazaa. As being a Tech it makes me laugh at how many people go and download stuff from Kazza and dont have an AntiVirus program on their computer or dont have it updated. Dont you know that is like going into a Whore House without any protection.

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From: AOL SUCKS on 01/09/2003
When will you people learn, AOL SUCKS!!

AOL DSL? isn't that a oxy moron?

Go get DSL, regular old DSL, remove any AOL anything, run adaware and don't install any yahoo or AOL IM thingies or suffer the fate of all the 100s of posts about problems with AOL crap!!

Adaware will show you how much CRAP AOL installs on your system, WHY? No other ISP (DSL or cable) makes you install their SPYWARE software to use their system, why should AOL? GREEDY BASTARDS, that's why!



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From: Arnie on 01/08/2003
I get this error on 7.0 and 8.0.WAOL caused a stack fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0187:bff724c1.I had an in house tech here for 3 hours.Got an ethernet card,upgrades and various others and 10 minutes after he left I got another DLL error.Has been going on for 3 months since I went to AOL DSL.I may switch providers if this continues.

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From: Jase on 01/03/2003
Are you sure you've not got the MTX virus???

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From: adam on 01/02/2003
I got the same shit, crashed my friggin computer. Aol, owes me big, but they refuse to help...

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From: Computerpilot on 12/05/2002

Most AOL problems are solved by a reinstall of the software. It is a good time to try the newest version 8.0. You will not loose any of your settings if you uninstall AOL.



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From: Bert on 12/05/2002
When I try to start Aol it keeps having a Aol has performed an illegal operation and it won't let me start aol could you please help me my e-mail address is

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From: Boykin on 08/05/2002
Have you solved the problem? I have the same problem with AOL 6.0 andAOL 7.0

: After compacting my AOL personal filing cabinet, I keep getting an error message when I try to open it:
: WAOL caused a stack fault at module kernel 32.dll
: I have tried scan disk, defrag and reloading AOL and it is clear the fault is with the PFC. AOL has been of no help and say they don't know how to fix this. Any ideas? Thanks.


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From: Lynette on 07/25/2002

Tuesday. TIME FOR TUESDAY. AOL is Crap!!!

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