From: MIKECORNFORD on 05/17/2002
: i get this message when i run programs like Kazaa and Webshots.
: " caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0157:bff83593."
: i have Windows 95. i already deleted the anti-virus software.. but it made no difference..
: can anyone help me fix this?
: thanx in advance,
: Yvonne
HI YVONNE -- since i had the exact same prob. in webshots & saw your :) cry for help ... I decided to be altruistic and help my fellow woman ..even though this is written for different apps... it will still cure your ills. Let me know; i am a comp. tech.
peace - mc []
Invalid Page Fault in Kernel32.DLL
Invalid Page Faults and General Protection Faults in Kernel32.DLL are generally caused by a lack of system resources, out of date video drivers, or a corrupt swap/paging file. If you encounter the problem on a regular basis while using Communicator or Navigator, the following instructions should help resolve the problem:
Windows 95 users ONLY. (Windows 98 users proceed to step 2.)
If the kernel32.dll error occurs while you are browsing and you are using Windows 95, this problem could be caused by a Windows 95 bug present in earlier versions of Windows 95. Microsoft has posted an update which resolves the problem. In order to determine which updates you need, right-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop, select Properties, and click the General tab.
If you have the version of Windows 95 on the left, you should follow the instructions on the right:
4.00.950 Install Service Pack 1 first, then install the Kernel 32 Update.
4.00.950a Install the Kernel 32 Update.
4.00.950B Service Pack 1 and Kernel Update not needed.
4.00.950C Service Pack 1 and Kernel Update not needed.
NOTE: The kernel update should only be applied if you have already installed Service Pack 1 for Windows 95. If you have Windows 95 version 4.00.950 (with no letters after the number), you should first visit the following page for information on downloading and installing Service Pack 1:
Windows 95 Service Pack 1
If you have Service Pack 1 installed, you will have Windows 95 version 4.00.950a. In that case, you should install only the Kernel 32 Update.
The kernel update can be found here:
Windows 95 Kernel 32 Update
Important: The location of Microsoft's updates may change. If the links in this article do not bring you to the Microsoft update pages, use the search page on Microsoft's site in order to download the Service Pack and Kernel updates. If you have any questions regarding the Service Pack or Updates, please contact Microsoft for assistance.
If the kernel32.dll error occurs before Navigator or Communicator opens, it is likely that the cause is a corrupt User profile or other preferences.
For Communicator:
Create a new profile to resolve the problem. To do so:
Shut down Communicator.
Go to the Start menu and choose Programs, Netscape Communicator, Utilities, User Profile