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 Computer shuts down at start up Post a Reply  
From: Undertaker on 01/06/2007
I have a Dell Latitude D-600 that shuts down right after it starts. What could be the problems. mother boards ect. How do you find the problem if the computer want stay on.

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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: netty on 03/18/2007
I cannot get my computer to start up windows. I get the Bios page and then it goes off. Windows will not start up.The modem is blinking trying to load up but then it stops and the screen is blank.
I cannot even get in to put in my recovery disks. Can anyone help me?

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From: ilene on 03/09/2007
for original 'poster'-
has the information offered- help the problem?
I don't see any addition reply.

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From: ThereIsNoSpoon on 02/08/2007
When you say it shuts after it starts, what phase of turning on are you refering? Is it immediately after you turn on, like on/off? Does it attempt to perform a Power On Self Test (POST)? Does it go through any normal BIOS displays? Does your OS start to load then then die? Is it intermittent? Does it BEEP at you, and if so how many or how long? Given not enough info, I would first pop the cover and visually inspect the capacitors to see if they are bulging or more definately leaking. Leaking in the slightest means it's trash. If any are substantially bulging you may need to trial replace the MB to see if that's it. I would check the processor to make sure it is secure and has a coupling agent, but not enogh that it could drip in the slightest. Reseat the RAM. Never rule out the Power Supply. It's rare, but I have seen a MB and PS go mad together, primarily in E-Machines. Trial replace the HD. Ultimately the symtoms of when it precisely crashes are critical. I use a diagnostic tool which runs on startup, Ultra-X. They support it for free, after the purchase of course. It's about 90-95% reliable.

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