From: Computerpilot on 06/11/2002
It is always annoying when Windows 98 decides to through out a fun error message but does not correct itself. Some program you installed changed the shell32.dll file and it is not loading properly. Microsoft recommends that this is a file you can safely reinstall without reinstalling your whole OS!
You can check out KBA Q137273 for more information. I will try to explain it in short:
Hopefully you know dos commands a little...
1)restart computer in MSDOS
2)at the command prompt, type cd c:/windows/system
3)at the command prompt, type rename shell32.dll shell32.bad
4)at the command prompt, type cd c:/windows/sysbckup
5)at the command prompt, type copy shell.dll c:/windows/system/shell32.dll
6)restart computer
Another option is to use the system file checker tool. You can check out Microsoft's KBA Q185836