From: Bob on 10/11/2002
I've had the same problem, try looking at
look under the section :-
Still More Places for programs to runI had 2 extra and very unwanted entries in my Registry
which although I had used the uninstall program that came with the program's, to remove, were still left behind.
I opened RegEdit paged down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion section of the Registry.
There I found I had 2 extra entries
Run_ and RunOnce_ both contained instructions to programs that had installed themselves onto my computer from the internet without my permission and which I thought I had uninstalled.
I checked Run RunOnce RunOnceEx RunServices and RunServicesOnce they all checked out OK. It was the 2 extra folders with the _ after them that I deleted.
I hope your problem is along the same lines and do checkout the web site I refered to at the begining.
It gives the whole picture