From: Yowzaa on 05/25/2004
Hey,Guys.Thanks for the help. I can now close the internet without the CTRL, ALT, delete nonsense and the "millions" of popups do not appear anymore. I deleted only the last folder (BROWSER HELPER OBJECTS)don't delete the entire file (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects) :o) Just the last folder is necessary.
If any of you out there (who are not computer savvy like some) are having trouble finding the folder (Browser Helper Objects) mentioned (as I did)...follow the following steps.
1. Click on start
2. Click RUN
3. Type in REGEDIT, hit OK
4. Double-click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
5. Double-click SOFTWARE
6. Double-click Microsoft
7. Double-click Windows
8. Double-click Current Version
9. Double-click Explorer
10.Single-click on Browser Helper Objects
11.Press delete.
12. Click Yes.
This should do it. You should now be able to successfully close the 'net. Best of luck