From: Linda on 02/24/2004
My PC can no longer boot Windows98 because it receives this exception message during the boot in regular or Safe Mode.I installed the new version of Explorer, 6 I think, on a Saturday to work with webbased Turbotax. The install went smoothly and I rebooted successfully on Sunday. On Sunday, I downloaded QuickTime to listen to a radio program and the PC locked up during transmission. I tried to reboot, but only get this exception message along with a stack dump. I ran scanreg to restore the registry from Friday. When this did not work, I restored the registry from the week prior. I still receive the same error.
I don't know much about PC's, but I can follow any instructions pretty acurately. I know that I need to solve the problem from the DOS command prompt, I just don't know how to circumvent the problem or what files to look for. Any suggestion would be MORE than welcome. Thanks!