From: Jeff on 01/01/2008
Ok, I found something that I'll try. It is found at:
It says to basically use the Win XP CD to boot to the command prompt, then delete the hiberfil.sys on the c:\ in the root directory.
1. Put WinXp Boot CD in Drive
2. Press key when it says to "press key to boot from cd"
3. After everything loads press "R" for recovery console
4. Select the drive where you want to access, usually "1"
5. Type admin password for administrator on that drive, Press enter if no password.
6. type "cd .." without the quotes. <Enter>
7. type "rename hiberfil.sys hiberfil.old" without the "" <Enter>
8. type "exit" <enter>
9. Remove CD, let computer boot into windows.
I'm seeing a blue screen of death when I start mine, so this isn't working for me, but it will probably work for you. It looks like mine is having a memory error. I will run memtest86 (google it if you don't know what that is)