From: johnboy on 10/06/2003
When re-starting Windows 98 the message: ¨memory access violation in module kernel32 at 1819:57955288¨ appears several times but the number at the end is different each time.I today installed Norton Antivirus 2004, and it confirmed it was installed and registered correctly. But now when I try to start it, above error message comes up, and it will not start
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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: rx on 01/02/2004
I had the same problem where i got a message sayin memory access violation in kernel32. Then i went and downloaded the stinger program and it found bout 8 viruses on my computer and fixed these problems. But i now dont get that memory access message but when ever i try 2 access registry editor it displays a message sayin Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator. That dont make sense cos im the administrator and i havent change any settings for the registry.Can someone plz help me. I cant access my regeditor.
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From: Lee on 12/04/2003
Ok everyone can relax the GURU is here (lol) the rpoblem is first of all microsft has said they never send out email for the security updates always has and will be done thoruhg the website for windows update second before opening any email attachemnt scan and resca for a virus first scan it to death if you must its better than this situation you are in now third if they did send out pathces in email it woud have a file name similar to the following security update:918763312 not those dorky filenames you see like updater.exe or patch.exe now you know and that as they say is half the battle now for a solution: try booting up and hitting F8 before you windows logo screen appears and boot into command prompt only for 98 for 2000 try the same thing only choose safe mode with command prompt its about the same or for 2000 if your feeling brave try the recovery console run scan disk and do a surface scan which might in some cases tak over an hour to do if you can get online and do not have a virus scanner try here if not then if you can still run windows install a virus scanner if you are able tyo run windows and get online a good virus cleaner to get is avast virus cleaner from you may have to search google to get the exact url but thats real close its specialises in removing worms and such or try searching symantecs website one good thing to do is KEEP YOUR WINDOWS UP TO DATE KEE YOUR WINDOWS UP TO DATE most cases this problem has occured in computers where the user is not running the latest version of IE or outlook express you dont have to run all the updates just do the critical updates and service packs ones and driver updates as well if you need more assistance or would like to comment on this reply send your response to i check it regularly please dont hessitate to contact me i would like to know if any of this helps at all
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From: Justin on 11/18/2003
I'm getting the same problem on a computer running windows 98. However the error appears on startup and then the computer just hangs. How can I fix the problem when the computer wont startup. I've tried starting in safe mode but still the same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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From: kali on 11/11/2003
This is a virus. You have opened or read a hoax email from Microsoft ref: Security Update. Microsoft never send out patches. Go to This will clean your PC. kali
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From: Carl on 11/07/2003
Hi guys,Try looking here: (Copy and paste into your browser window). Please note that Microsoft NEVER sends out patches via e-mail, or e-mails with executable files. Regards, Carl.
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From: hector on 10/29/2003
Someone please tell us how to resolve this problem. I've got a Windows 2000 machine that keeps giving me the same message "Memory access violation in module kernel32 at 9677:47267339".I've tried looking for a solution allover but still cant find it . Help!!
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From: leslie on 10/19/2003
I would appreciate help in correcting this problem. It came about when I wrongly clicked onto a supposed email from Microsoft advising me to update a patch by running an attachment from them
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