From: Beaky on 10/04/2003
I'm presuming that the long list of error msgs I pasted in my previous post has ppl just as baffled as I am!
So, I've managed to narrow it down to the most common error - if someone has an idea of what's causing that, perhaps this might give a clue to wot's at fault.The most common then is:
0E at 0028: C172**** where **** is a string of letters/numbers, such as, e.g, EBAF or CD7F or D02F (these vary).
This error is often followed by another: 0E at 017F: BFF9DFFF.
I apologise if I seem impatient by posting again so soon, but I rely really heavily on my pc for just about everything, including work, so I'm kinda desperate!!
I am using an AMD K6 400 processor btw & I notice that AMD processors are mentioned lots in previous threads - could this be part of the prob?
Other stuff = 256 mb ram (2 sticks of 128) - these seem fine (swapped them over & ran pc with each 128 stick in turn - got same errors).
Running Win 98 se.
Unlikely to be overheating related coz same errors when pc unused for over 10hrs.
Any help would be really huuuuugely appreciated!!
Thanx in advance,