From: Kilus on 10/01/2003
My wife turned her Comp off last night. Got up today and tried to restart it. It goes through strart up, says it was not shut down properly. Gives you the options for Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode Command prompt, Last known good Config, and Normally. It will not let the Keyboard select anything, so it starts normally. Then shows the Win XP logo, I get a flash of a bule screen (can't read whats on it) and then loops back to restarting again. It does this as long as you leave it on. I tried putting in the WinXP cd but it will not even let that boot, just keeps looping.
Any help would be most Welcome. Here are her comp specs if needed. P3 550 384 ram 40gb hd And everything worked fine last night, just today when we tried to restart it.
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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Tyrone on 10/19/2003
having the same kinda problem..Asus P4PE Pentium 4 - 2.8ghz 512mb RAM 2x80 Gb HD Windows XP Professional it too is stuck in this endless loop.. however once windows does load up .. pop-up says (never enough time to read it) something like "just recovered from something?" then shutsdown.. then reboots also within the boot up .. i get a msg "no drive configured to fastrack.. no bios installed" i downloaded the latest bios update for my motherboard..installed it ok from a floppy.. but still not working .. im perplexed.. after doing a search in google .. i got a couple of sites.. one i had to pay for the solution.. if it was one.. forget that.. the other ... ended no where.. anywayz.. appreciate any solution(s) ..
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From: DunnoIfItWillHelp on 10/02/2003
DunnoIfItWillHelp, but you need to get the keyboard to be recognized first. The keyboard should be recognized by the system board bios, so you may have lost your bios settings if its not working at all. Perhaps try another keyboard first. If you can get the keyboard working, then select 'Last known working configuration', and it should boot up without the looping. If not, try safe mode and uninstall some of the system service type software (firewalls, antivirus, etc.) I had the looping problem recently when I installed PC-Cillin antivirus software and it was conflicting with a hardware check copy protection device for 3DStudio Max. Once I removed pc-cillin (or 3dMax), the conflict stopped and the system was able to boot properly again. There is a setting somewhere in XP as well, where you can turn off the automatic reboot on error. I'm so new to XP however, I forgot where I just saw that! Good luck.
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