From: John on 08/10/2003
You could fix this problem by 2 ways:1. Re-install the o/s. (Only if you have a previous o/s disks (e.g. 98, 95 or ME!) This can be done by booting up from your boot disk and when at the command prompt type:
'Format C:' (Where C: is the drive letter.)
You will then get a message asking if your sure, just perss 'Y'. Then once its done put in your (Win 98, 95, ME) cd and switch to your CD-ROM drive (Remembering that everything after C: moves up once as it uses D: as RAM) Now type 'Setup' and follow the on screen instructions. (You can access Win XP setup from DOS, but every copy i've seen keeps crashing!) Then once Windows is installed put the Xp cd in and click 'Install Windows Xp'
2. Download a fresh copy of the DLL file. Goto and download the file. You will need Winzip ( open the file. Then place it in the original file's location replacing the old one.