From: bibi on 07/18/2003
When trying to play , each time the same message even I try to use the different possibilities of "compatiblity mode" .
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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Kooswillem on 04/19/2011
Check Wikipedia: 'Thunk (compatibility mapping)'The Thunk function is used for compatibilty, that's where it goes wrong, not in the game or program itself.
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From: theresa on 11/04/2008
great fan of the game had to re install now it will only run at 1 speed vvvery slow have changed compatabitily to wx 2000 help
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From: Brent on 07/19/2007
I'm having the FT-Thunk problem with the earthsiege 2 demo- I have looked all over for a solution, and have not found any! I'd really appreciate an answer, for I'm starting to get desperate!!!
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From: Sunshine on 05/18/2007
I'm also having a problem with Queen of the nile. I can install it but it won't run. First I also had the problem with the FT_Thunk and I solved it thanks to you and I started up at first. I shut down the game and now when I want to start nothing happens. My cd drive is running but nothing is happening. Can anyone please help me with this problem!!!
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From: my on 04/14/2006
hej,i can't install the game.. when i click on install and when i accept the license and click on next.. Nothing is happening at all.. I have xp, but i bought this game because it was for xp. But has anyone an idea please?
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From: VersuZ on 04/06/2006
Is is possible to download Pharaoh or at least the demo anywhere? I used to have it, but my CD broke... Or does anyone have it, and can send it to me somehow?
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From: James on 03/03/2006
i am geting that error for earthsiege 2 help would be err... helpfuli am also getting a "integer divide by 0" error any fixes?
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From: Adam on 01/08/2006
I too got the FT_Thunk problem with Cleopatra.I have just built a new PC and I am reloading programs, (I'm using Win XP Pro with SP2), Pharaoh went on fine and played OK. Cleopatra went on fine but I get the FT_Thunk problem when I try to play it. I tried changing the compatability mode of the exe file to Win98 but still the same, just tried changing compatability to Win 2000 and all is OK again. Thanks people! Date 8th Jan 2006
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From: frantik on 11/18/2004
This problem started occuring for me once I installed XP SP2.. if you uninstall XP SP2 the FT_THUNK error goes away
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From: Tabitha on 11/06/2004
I used to have Pharoah and the Celopatra expansion loaded on my XP operating system (i have to download the update to get cleopatra to work on XP) My old hard drive died on me so i got a new one. i reinstalled windows xp and now i can't get Pharoah to install. about 75% through the installation it errs and shuts down.what's the problem?
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From: Papiswa on 06/14/2004
After I used compability mode with cleopatra I still got the mesagge "No disc inserted". I know this thread is already very old but I searched my ass off to solve this problem and I finally fixed it, so I like to share it with you on because there is nothing on the internet about this problem.The strange part was that I actually have a original copy of cleopatra but windows XP won't locate my disc. Probably because I have two DVD-players and nothing else. Anyway, because I had this problem I tried to fix it with a crack. I couldn't find one for my english version of the game, but eventually it worked with the french fixed .exe, even though the version (2.0) didn't match the fixed version (2.2). It can be found on www.gamecopyworld.com, under PC-Game Index, you can download the "Cleopatra v2.1 [FRENCH] Fixed EXE". Hope I helped someone who was looking for this problem like me to. If you could't find the file just email me and I will send it to you. Greetings. terry_bozzio@hotmail.com
By the way, I'm using Pharaoh Gold with the cleopatra expansion.
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From: Papiswa on 06/14/2004
After I used compability mode with cleopatra I still got the mesagge "No disc inserted". I know this thread is already very old but I searched my ass off to solve this problem and I finally fixed it, so I like to share it with you on because there is nothing on the internet about this problem.The strange part was that I actually have a original copy of cleopatra but windows XP won't locate my disc. Probably because I have two DVD-players and nothing else. Anyway, because I had this problem I tried to fix it with a crack. I couldn't find one for my english version of the game, but eventually it worked with the french fixed .exe, even though the version (2.0) didn't match the fixed version (2.2). It can be found on www.gamecopyworld.com, under PC-Game Index, you can download the "Cleopatra v2.1 [FRENCH] Fixed EXE". Hope I helped someone who was looking for this problem like me to. If you could't find the file just email me and I will send it to you. Greetings.
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From: Papiswa on 06/14/2004
After I used compability mode with cleopatra I still got the mesagge "No disc inserted". I know this thread is already very old but I searched my ass off to solve this problem and I finally fixed it, so I like to share it with you on because there is nothing on the internet about this problem.The strange part was that I actually have a original copy of cleopatra but windows XP won't locate my disc. Probably because I have two DVD-players and nothing else. Anyway, because I had this problem I tried to fix it with a crack. I couldn't find one for my english version of the game, but eventually it worked with the french fixed .exe, even though the version (2.0) didn't match the fixed version (2.2). It can be found on [link name=gamecopyworld]http://www.gamecopyworld.com/[/link], under PC-Game Index, you can download the "Cleopatra v2.1 [FRENCH] Fixed EXE". Hope I helped someone who was looking for this problem like me to. If you could't find the file just email me and I will send it to you. Greetings.
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From: Papiswa on 06/14/2004
After I used compability mode with cleopatra I still got the mesagge "No disc inserted". I know this thread is already very old but I searched my ass off to solve this problem and I finally fixed it, so I like to share it with you on because there is nothing on the internet about this problem.The strange part was that I actually have a original copy of cleopatra but windows XP won't locate my disc. Probably because I have two DVD-players and nothing else. Anyway, because I had this problem I tried to fix it with a crack. I couldn't find one for my english version of the game, but eventually it worked with the french fixed .exe, even though the version (2.0) didn't match the fixed version (2.2). It can be found on gamecopyworld, under PC-Game Index, you can download the "Cleopatra v2.1 [FRENCH] Fixed EXE". Hope I helped someone who was looking for this problem like me to. If you could't find the file just email me and I will send it to you. Greetings.
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From: kees on 05/07/2004
its really simple.Right click on pharaoh.exe. Select property mode and click on compatibilty mode. Set it to win 2000. Mine works!
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From: guipozjim on 04/14/2004
Ia have same problem on SIM CITY 3000 with WinXP Proffesional. After adjustin Win2000 compability mode does not apear FT_THUNK error but "NOT DISK INSERTED" error message is displayed!!! (Of course is it already inserted!)???Can anyboy help me?
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From: Jeremy on 02/05/2004
I had this problem also on XP, like Kingpin I changed compatability to 2000 and it works fine now. This was installing Cleopatra on Pharoah.
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From: Kingpin on 01/02/2004
I am using XP, and had the same problem when I installed Cleopatra onto Pharaoh.After searching the net and much frustration, I changed the compatability option on the actual exe file to 2000 (not the shortcut). Everything is now working.
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From: simon on 12/29/2003
Checka) that you haven't got Compatibility mode on for Pharaoh (go to c:\sierra\pharaoh, right click on pharaoh.exe and do Properties. Check that nothing is checked for Compatibility mode. b) that you've got the right version of directx. The one which ships with Cleopatra is way too old and not designed for 2000/xp. Simon
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From: simon on 12/29/2003
Checka) that you haven't got Compatibility mode on for Pharaoh (go to c:\sierra\pharaoh, right click on pharaoh.exe and do Properties. Check that nothing is checked for Compatibility mode. b) that you've got the right version of directx. The one which ships with Cleopatra is way too old and not designed for 2000/xp. Simon
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From: crisu on 12/06/2003
so you are saying that there is no solution to this "load function" problem? It's such a shame... but it's weird because when i install pharaoh, i get to play it correctly without errors, but when i install cleopatra then this error pops up.... there has to be a solution (i pray to god there is one)
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From: Blashyrkh on 12/05/2003
Damm, all of us've same Problem, (I've it wif the game "Arcanum".. but still no solution to it... if any of the admins, take a look at this post, try to find us a solution or help us find some1 who does.. Ty 4 ur time
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From: Jacob on 12/03/2003
Sorry-no solution. I'm getting the same with a program called Cakewalk 6.0 on Windows 2000. It seems Microsoft has removed a kernel function (FT_THUNK) which some programs seem to be expecting. Shame.
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