From: curiosityscat on 07/14/2003
Ha! Found the answer, as stupid as it is, apparently for the Winword issue, the issue is caused by (template), see microsoft article: 316033 at the following link:;en-us;316033
This behavior may occur with any of the following conditions:
The WinFax template is installed on your computer.
Norton AntiVirus version 2000 or version 2001 is installed on your computer.
A template in your Office or Word start up folder causes the error.
The Vbe6.dll is corrupted or damaged.
To resolve this issue, use the following methods in the order in which they are presented.
I of course tried as instructed to find and delete the file and/or move it, but the pc denies access. So, I (as instructed on some other site somewhere) did the following:
1. created new Startup file folder naming it: Startup2
2. then I named the original Startup folder Startup3
3. then went back and named the Startup2 file, Startup
Wa-la no more issues! Woohoo! and Word started up like a charm!
F.Y.I. and I hope it helps you that this information is in this knowledge base, good luck!
(who now has a grin like she ate the canary!) Though I still don't know why my pc sounds like there's a process running that shouldn't be..*shrugs*..I'm not touchin' nothin' else!