From: Jase on 05/13/2003
Try to locate the fileon the net and re-install it back into its correct folder...
Do a Start > run > sfc /scannow. (or leave off the /scannow switch). Replace any damaged files.
If sfc is not found, try this: Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Info. Click on Tools, and run system file checker. Also run the registry checker
Another way to get rid of flt.dll is to run regedit. Reboot to Safe Mode, and first try just deleting the flt.dll file. Load Window Explorer, click on the root of C:. In the right panel, right-click then Find and search for flt.dll. Delete any instances you find, and empty your recycle bin. If you can't delete them, you will need to run regedit, but be sure to export your registry to your desktop before you do any editing. Do a search for flt.dll, remove all references to it, reboot the PC then go back and delete all the flt.dll files from your PC from Windows Explorer.