From: Ken on 05/06/2003
I got a new system that has XP and I was trying to network it with my old system that ran 98 and I could not get it to work so I gave up , now the old comp. with 98 blue screens in the middle of the start up and gives me a "Fatal Exception OE occurred at 0028:C15607EF in VXD VSERVER(01) + 00004FDF " then I hit any key and it will continue the start up but goes to the 'active desktop recovery' with a white screen , once there I can click on 'restore my active desktop' and it all goes back to normal , at least I think so , but it happens every time , can someone help ? Another thing that happens in the start up process is that a box appears asking for my network pasword , but I dont have one nor did I ever create one , I just hit cancel and let the start up process continue . Thanks in advance for any help .
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