From: Melody on 06/10/2004
I have precisely the same problem. Does anybody have a clue?
Maybe it is a coincidence but mine first appeared shortly after the first time I tried to use Adaware and immediatly after I tried to close a Word doc (was working off-line) by clicking on the lower inner x-out box because I immediatly wanted to open up a new blank Word document. I had recently been using a free trail of Zone Alarm Pro which had very recently expired but I still had the free ZA firewall working.So far I have tried:
1.'repair' Word 2000 SAR-1 from the original installation disc. (Was purchased as part of a 6 CD Works Suite 2001).
2.'remove' and 'reinstall' Word 2000.
3. reinstall Windows 98 SE.
4. repeat #2 above.
5. Download cumulative update package for my newly re-inatalled 98SE (that only took about 3 hours on my ultra slow dial up!).
6. Swearing at my computer.
7.Threatening that I would throw the computer down the creek.
I would gladly buy an XP but I am afraid that the upgrade might either not be installable while there is any Microdoft problem in my computer or the XP would not do any good on a Word problem.