From: Jase on 05/04/2003
Best thing to do here is to add a new drive, other wise you could clear down the partition and add it to your c:\ drive. Make sure you realise that once you remove the conetents of the partition you will have lost them for ever.You can however ghost to a cd the contents of d:\ and have them saved by but i don't think that you can do much with it afterwards.
Its a risk you need to decide on but if your system goes tits up then you have no backup, so dot his:
Get a copy of norton ghost and make a ghost boot disk...
Copy the contents of c:\ to a frw cd-r and you have a backup copy of c:\. Make sure to run scandisk before you backup the system so that you have a clean system when you re load after a crash...
You can then clear down the partiton with out any worries