From: Gunther on 04/25/2003
I saved a Word document in My Documents, that was sent to me as an attachment (Norton antivirus scans all incoming mail). I made a copy of that document for editing. When I opened that document copy hours later the following error message appeared:WINWORD caused an invalid page fault in module WINWORD.EXE at 0177:301f9ddc. Registers: EAX=00000002 CS=0177 EIP=301f9ddc EFLGS=00210246 EBX=00000100 SS=017f ESP=0062b0a4 EBP=00000000 ECX=c1699ca0 DS=017f ESI=0062b6a4 FS=12ef EDX=00010050 ES=017f EDI=0062b300 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: c9 c2 20 00 8b 43 04 01 45 bc 83 c3 08 89 5d f0 Stack dump: 00410eac 00410a90 0062b1fc 6680485c 00410eac 00000000 0062b3e6 6680486d 00410eac 66808d47 00410eb0 0062b860 00500c98 1ffffbcd 300802b3 00000000 Any suggestions what to do about that? Thank you.
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