From: George on 07/06/2003
I have hadnearly the exact same problem, but dop not have a modem -- I use an ethernet NIC for a cable internet connection. . . Here's the exact message on the blue scvtreen of death:
A fatal excepton 0E has occurred at 0028:C29AE239 in VXD PCIMP(01) + 00001BF9. The current application will be terminated.
So I really don't know WHAT is the problem -- I found your message while tracking it down & just thought I'd pop in to at least rule that(your modem) out for you. . . :)
I have an intel Pentium III (500Mhz) cpu on an Asus 100Mb mainboard
128Mb RAM
Windows' managed swapfile on a separate 2gig partition (D:) created especially for such
30gig HDD 6gig for C: with Windowes installed there.
Running Windows 98 (4.10.1998)
Was running email (Pegasus freemail) Internet Explorer (5.5) & Netscape Navbiogator(4.61) at the time of the error; NS was playing a Shockwave (*.SWF) animation, IE was on a plain HTML page, & email was just sitting here doingh nothing.
Also was running Trillian instant messenger (not actively sending a msg, nor anything cvoming in sat the time of the crash)
Also running:
Popup Stopper (
Zone Alarm
AVG antivirus ( )
These are all normally running all day, when I'm active online(most of the day); except maybe not both browsers simultaneously all the time.
Any help would be much appreciated at gpope(at)shaw(dot)ca (modify email address accordingly, please) :)
This has been an ongoiong problem for a looong time! :(
No recent hardware changes, except plugging a Lexmark Z25-Z35 printer into what seems tto be a defunct USB onboard port, which I'll be replacing with a card in the next couplke days.