From: Sandy on 04/22/2003
Generally this error is caused by not enough memory. Make Sure Your System Has At least 128 Megs Of Ram. Double check your graphics card and its drivers. You can also free up alot of memory by first going to Start - Settings - Contol Panel - Internet Options. Click 1 time on the first item. Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and hit the letter A on your keyboard. This will highlight everything. On your keyboard, click the delete key. When you get a question that asks Are You Sure You Want to Delete Cookies? Click on yes. Then, close out of that and run a ScanDisk. AFter that, go to Accessories - System Tools - Disk Defragmenter. Degrag your system. Make sure you keep doing this at least once a month. It will probably take some time to defrag if you have not done it, so the best thing would be to do it at night when you are finished using your computer. If you have any more questions regarding this or still have a problem, post it back here and I will go another route with you.
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