From: eugene on 04/14/2003
HiRecently bought an asus a7n8x mobo. Aftewr a few days my pc locks up with repeated sound (like stuck record)When playing medal of honor online game locks after 2 or 5 mins. This didnt happen before with the A7v333! ever!!!
Im thinking it is either the mobo got all the right drivers .....yes
GFX card....ATI Rad 9700(not pro) Got the latest drivers.......yes
Sound Card...Audigy player...Got the latest xp driver (dec2002) ...yes
Power Supply 400 watt.....ok
Memory 512 single stick winbond Memory......was ok before new mobo
Using xp sp1 with uptodate updates and this lock up is annoying can anyone help..
Installed mobo using repair instal of xp seemed to work find