From: Teardrop on 03/04/2003
Dell Web-PC pentium III
windows 98 second edition 4.10.2222 A
255 Ramwhen i boot up i receive this blue screen with this message:
An exception OE has occurred at 0028:C00700C1 in VxD VNETBios (01) + 000009B1. This was called from 0028:C024C5D5 in VxD VMM (13) + 000005D5. etc., etc., etc......
there are two ways i can get the computer to operate:
1. by rebooting in safe mode and then restart the computer -- then it will start normally ----- but this is a pain.....
2. once i start the computer, i immediately press the control button and wait a bit, then a black screen comes on and i press the number for step by step confirmation ---- i hit the Y key for everything except when i get to VNETBios.VxD ---- i hit the N key for this and continue with the Y key for the rest of the step by step confirmation.... then it will start in normal mode...... this is a pain also......
sometimes if i don't hold down the control key immediately at booting up the computer it wont let me do the step by step confirmation and it wants to start in safe mode.....
i know you guys recommend switching OS, but i am sooooooo used to this system...... plus, i bought a new Apple G4 notebook and i am so afraid of using it and ruining it with viruses and such.... but i know if i don't use it i will never learn.... maybe i should take a mac class... sorry i am rambling now.....
any help with this VNETBios would be appreciated.....
Thanks a BuNcH......... :-)