--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Harry on 01/12/2005
Have found a module on my friends computer (W98) name srlo.exe which is listed under the running process tab of PestPatrol as OleMainThredWndName. It is in the start up list as well and we know that this is a recent addition to his system from sources unknown. We know this because Zone Alarm barks about srlo.exe wanting to talk to the internet (probably trying to phone home) every time we boot up.When one does a QuickView on the module precious little information is presented which, when combined with it's phone home behaviour and the fact that it "lives" in C:/Windows/Application Data, suggests it is spyware. Have heard that the most recent version of Spybot corrects this problem. Am about to find out.
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From: Chris on 12/15/2004
Davon: Chris am 10/19/2004 Ich hatte dasselbe Problem: Windows NT tat nicht Stilllegung (oder änderte Benutzer), ohne die Nachricht zu zeigen, dass OleMainThreadWndName sobald oder bis zu dreimal nicht beendet werden konnte. Das Problem wurde durch einen Dienst genannt "veriSign Updater" verursacht, der zusammen mit einem Datenbanksuchroutine-Helfer-Werkzeug des Internet Explorers installiert wurde, das Ihnen erlaubt, auf Gebiete mit Sonderzeichen zuzugreifen. Das Problem war noch dort, als ich das Ding über das Zugreifen auf die Arbeitsfläche während der Ausbildung entließ. Dann beendete ich den Dienst und schaltete es aus, und das Problem wurde befestigt. Hoffen Sie, dass das hilft (was die anderen schrieben, half mir wirklich), ChrisP.S.: Entschuldigen Sie bitte schlechtes Englisch, ich bin deutsch.
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From: Bern on 10/31/2004
I am having this problem, too. I am using ME. I need help! I'm a self-taught senior citizen, who needs things in easy to understand terms. Thanks.
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From: Chris on 10/19/2004
I had the same problem: Windows NT didn't shutdown (or change user) without showing the message that OleMainThreadWndName couldn't be ended once or up to three times. The problem was caused by a service called "veriSign Updater" which was installed together with an internet explorer browser helper tool that allows you to access domains with special characters. The problem was still there when I deselected the thing about accessing the desktop. Then I ended the service and deactivated it and the problem was fixed.Hope this helps (what the others wrote did help me), Chris P.S.: Please excuse bad English, I'm German.
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From: Dan on 05/11/2004
Had the same issue and applied this information. It worked! This issue was hanging installations for opening. Once I made the changes, it worked.Thanks
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From: David on 08/26/2003
I had this problem and found this solution posted elsewhere. In case you haven't found it.======================== In a nut-shell, it appears that there may be several services that have the "interact with Desktop" option enabled and that this option may be contributing to your problem. I found the note below on the Cold Fusion web support site and it eludes to this same problem. My recommendation (after you read the note below), is to go through your services (found in NT systems in the control panel click "services" and then click 'startup' for each service to see the options for that service) and look for any services that have "interact with desktop" checked. One of those tasks (if running) is probably the culprit. I imagine you will have to find the guilty party by selectively disabling this option on individual tasks and then trying a shutdown to see if it solved your problem. Apparently this is a known problem as indicated in the note below but I haven't located it on the Microsoft support site yet. I hope this information is helpful to you.....
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From: Tom on 05/28/2003
Hi,get the same message when trying to start windows media player. Have already tried to use different versions of it without success. Even re-installing windows did not fix the problem. I am using windows 98. Does anyone know anything about this problem???? thanks Tom
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