From: Will on 02/17/2003
Every time I boot up my computer, I get a "Windoze cannot read from the lst cluster of Drive C - The disk may be damaged. Press any key to run scandisk" messageScandisk starts, and then I get a "Disk not configured correctly" and Scandisk closes.
It's very frustrating to have to go through the rigmarole of pressing keys to run scandisk, only for the program to open, think for a bit, realize it's stuck, and then close.
I have a NIKIMI XC400A HDD - 40Gb, I suspect it's too large for my BIOS and Windoze to cope with between them.
Anyone got any ideas for a fix? I want either to be able to stop windows trying to run scandisk every time, or ideally stop windows telling me the last cluster is damaged.
Thanx in advance for any help. Will