From: steve on 07/17/2002
I've tried both your suggestions but still can't get a page to display. I'm using internet explorer v 5.5. If you need any further details let me know!: Refer to Microsoft's KBA article #Q298436:
: You need to follow these instructions for Windows 98:
: To extract files in Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition, use the System File Checker tool:
: 1)Quit all running programs.
: 2)Click Start , and then click Run .
: 3)Type sfc , and then press ENTER.
: 4)In System File Checker, click Extract one file from installation disk .
: 5)In the Specify the system file you would like to restore box, type Wsock32.dll , and then click Start .
: 6)In the Extract File dialog box, type drive :\Win98 in the Restore from box, where drive is the drive letter of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive that contains your Windows 98 CD-ROM, and then click OK .
: 7)In the Backup File dialog box, click OK . If a The backup folder does not exist. Do you want to create it message appears, click Yes .
: 8)When you receive an "Extract File" message, click Yes to restart the computer.
: This is accomplished differently with Windows 95 so refer to the article listed above for more advice with that operating system. Windows ME and XP will not have this problem as they have a system file checker running to fix these types of problems all the time.
: This should fix your problem, however it is also possible that you do not have your internet connection setup properly. You can run this in Internet Explorer (is this what you are using?), choose Tools, then Internet Options, then the Connections tab, then click the Setup button.
: Post back if you still have the error message.
: Computerpilot