From: Computerpilot on 11/26/2002
You mean to say that it is not logical that if other gamers are having the same problems with Half Life that the problem cannot be related to the game?!You do know that the error message you are getting is associated with the 'HL.EXE' file, which is the executable for Half Life? Your second error message is similar to the first and does not identify a conflict with the operating system.
The only other suggestion I can make is your RAM. There are free RAM testing software available on the Internet. However, I generally do not recommend testing with these applications as they tend to be VERY conservative. Meaning, they really are relased by RAM maufacturers and resellers to attempt to sell you memory when you really do not need it. However, there is still a slight chance that your memory is causing the problem.
The error message is from Half Life. I would definitely start from there.