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From: TBONE on 11/18/2002
I've spent countless hours researching the BSOD FATAL EXCEPTION CRAP!!!

Mine is OE 0028:c001545a, then coooBC4E, then OD 17b7:000035f6

System is;AMD 1200mhz, 512ram, AOpen, PA256 mx (NVIDIA GEFORCE2 mx/mx400)and Soundmax Integrated Digital audio

I've tried reinstalling win98se, updating drivers, bought "Ontrack Fix-it utilities" program. I dont want to give up but what the HELL!!!

It only happens playing games and it just started doing it recently, I put 256ram in about 3 months ago. Also I have an NVIDIA icon in control panel that wasnt there before, screen goes black with lines on top of screen or scrambles video completely, freezes and audio skips and stutters. How can I tell exactly what hardware and software I have. I'm no computer WHIZ.


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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Computerpilot on 11/19/2002

I would suggest you obtain some nerd power help. Someone that might have a little more experience with drivers in Windows than yourself.

The reason I say this is because you may now have an incompatible driver or more than one driver on your computer. However, I am not going to make a secret of it, but your video card does not like to get along with Windows 98. As a matter of fact, a lot of individuals on this board have given up on the video card.

What is weird is the black screen. I usually blame this to defective video cards so I would definitely consider this if you still have the problem after you get the driver thing straightened out.

For your BSOD...

This is an entirely separate issue. The problem is related to McAfee. I always recommend Norton over McAfee antivirus products. However, reinstalling the antivirus software has helped many before you so I would recommend the same.

Hope I got you on the right track...



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