From: Computerpilot on 11/03/2002
This is a fairly unusual error. It would appear that the VxDLDR.vxd, VxDLDR.386 file or associated files did not install from Windows XP setup. I would guess that they were probably permanatly deleted if you did an install on a clean disk or the older Windows 98 version if you tried to do an upgrade over Windows 98.Generally, my advice is to load the Windows XP CD, restart computer, run setup, remove old partition, Format drive NTFS (my preference), and install Windows XP. If you have the upgrade version, you can still accomplish this. The only difference is that the upgrade version will ask for your old install CD during the install as proof that you had an older copy of Windows.
I think if you followed this method, you would save yourself some time and hassle of trying to reload specific system files from dos. However, if this is not good enough and you really do not want to wipe your drive, then post back for instructions on how to load specific files from your Windows XP disk from CMD.