From: Nate on 05/21/1999
You didn't give me much info, so I will assume you have a PC running Linux or something like that.On older SCSI cards, you need to set a IRQ setting to something that isn't in use by another card (some good numbers are 9, 11, 12 but could be any that are not in use).
In most cases, if two cards have the same IRQ settings, then boot up or other problems start to happen.
I assume this is the problem, since you say it happened when you installed the card.
Oh, if you are using a PCI card, the IRQ's are set in your BIOS for each slot, but you may have to disable a IRQ for your ISA (older) slot if it conflicts.
Do a search here in the Knowledgebase for "IRQ", there may be more info on IRQ settings.
: can't reboot after installing scuzzy card