From: George on 06/22/1999
If I were you I'd do this:1. unload some appz using msconfig (startup) like active virus scanners
2. delete VRAM file (its in r00t or windows, it's usually above 50mb all the way to 300)
3. go to a windows update site!
4. check power managment settings, try disabling them from windows
Applications you might REALLLY want to get:
TOP: Norton Utilities, it fixes & improves your system.. MUST GET!
OTHER CHOICE: Norton Cleansweep, does some things above but designed mostly to actually clean left over files on your system.
Good luck, I am way too tired to be more specific but if you want more help just post back here.
: i use windows98 . if i leave my computer idle or im noting doing anything and it just sits there , my explorer crashes . Any advice ? i already tried reinstalling win98 .