From: Matt on 01/06/2000
Lately for the last couple of months or more my laptop has been crashing over and over. The error is always the same: the ifshlp.sys and dblbuff.sys files cannot be found. When it happens my computer freezes (sometimes it gets an invalid page fault) and then I reboot and it comes up with a Windows registry/configuration error message. It asks me to run the windows registry checker and I do. It then says it can't fix it. I restored these files manually but it doesn't work. Also, when I check my C drive in DOS everything is gone except the stuff directly on the C drive and a couple of other files in the Windows directory. Please help, anyone!!thanks, matt
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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Nathan on 10/22/2002
I'm dealing w/ this issue myself (TV/FM capture card started my downward spiral) - so on emergency reboot, a VFAT drive was created (where DOS REQUIRES ifshlp, dblbuff, etc). After I emerged from the debacle I created, I can only see 192 of 256 MB of RAM, in both BIOS and Win98. So, although you might eventually need the files in your subject, after you recover, you WILL NOT NEED the driver files associated with real-mode operation (which are likely TSR) still lurking in your root & system directories. Don't worry so much about ifshlp.sys, but find the culprit stealing resources....for the info I compiled (as of 10/04/00 PST, but careful please, I'm not saying it'll actually be relevant to you). Nathan (reposted by helper)
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