From: Michael on 07/28/2002
I sure hope someone here can bail me out of this nightmare, finally.Recently, I purchased a Canoscan N670U flatbed scanner that connects via the USB port. When the scanner is connected, Windows starts the "Add New Hardware" dialog window and correctly identifies the scanner. It asks for the manufacturer's disk, which we promptly supply. It begins to load the drivers for the device when it throws the "Blue Screen of Death" at us. Details are here:
A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 0028:C001545A
We initially thought the scanner was defective, so we returned it and got another. Then, on advice of the Canon technician, replaced the USB card. When we called back, he said it must be Windows. The Microsoft technician claims it's the Canon scanner. Sound familiar?
I tried downloading drivers from the Internet with the same result. I have reinstalled Windows twice, also with no success.
The computer is running Windows 98SE on a Pentium II 200 MHz processor with plenty of RAM. I have selectively removed/replaced the sound card, monitor, RAM, and almost all the software, with exactly the same results.
On a whim, I went to the Windows support page and upgraded (as a serious long shot) with no success.
Anyone have any suggestions?