From: Vanlist on 01/23/2001
: : What makes you think that it's the hard drive?
: : Make sure that your hard drive is in a position that allows air flow around it.
: : Fit a case fan.
: : Buy a hard drive cooler fan.
: : Are you sure it's not the chip overheating? Remove the cover. When it freezes turn off and quickly touch the edge of the chip/heat sink. Grip the case as you do this so that you are not charged with static. If you can fry eggs on the chip or the heat sink then you need to replace the fan. Use a heavy duty fan. If your fan is an old one then it's possible that the bearings are on the way out or it is getting full of dust and slowing down.
I have a 7200 rpm harddrive
my system is brand Id imagine the chips heatsink is fine..but it could be that what I did was opened up my Box and let a personal fan blow on the harddrive this seemed to help alot...because I didnt crash for hours (like 8 hours straight)but alas Ive crashed 3 times in the past 30 minutes..
when i crash if theres music or a sound playing it will play one spot over and over like a broken record does that mean anything?