From: Larry on 09/03/2001
This could be caused by many differant things. You may want to look into your memory and processor, they could be going down hill. It may be a heat issue, so check to make sure all of your case fans are running properly. If they are, try running the system with the case open and a fan blowing in on it. You may also just try reseating your motherboard connections, or pulling out differant pieces of hardware and running it to see if that resolves the issue. If you have a network card, pull it to see how it goes. There a ton of other things that could be causeing this, both hardware and software. If none of the above work, try ending task on everything in the back ground, then reload the operating system if necessary. If it still doesn't work I would then suggest replacing the Memory and then the processor if necessary.: Why does my computer just all of a sudden freezes and i am still on line? i have defragged and i have scaned the disks for errors but nohting! Help
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