From: syam on 02/20/2002
: I work with Internet explorer 55 and windows 98 SE.
: If I am on Internet krijg I sometimes which wrongly: Foutdetails: Internet Explorer has encoutered an internal error.
: Signature of wrongly: AppName:iexplore.exe AppVer: 5.51.4807.2300 ModName: cslsp.dll - ModVer: Offset: 000033à - report details: This error report contained: information regarding the status of Microsoft Internet Explorer then the problem acted; the version of the control system and used the computer hardware; the digital product-id those can be used to the licentie at identificieren, and Ip-adres (Internet-protocol) of the computer...
: To which lies it and how I can this to avoid who can me help.
: result: answer:
: After much speurwerk, is I it possibly behind what for each first problem is cslspdll is a DLL of McAfee Virusscan.
: Probably have for each these geinstalleerd stand.
: Mayed this this way indicated, a trying once downloading scan at deactiveren.
: It did not may have been then any problems more with Internet Explorer, then I would recommend you the virus scanner at updaten and not only the THAT traffic-jams but especially the scanengine. (or a SP = service Pack).