From: Factory53 on 12/21/2001
Lately I have been having a lot of trouble with my comptuer:Motherboard: P6VAP-A+
Chip: P3 933 - Windows 98 OS
RAM: 128 mb SDRAM
When I go to start up my computer in the morning after its been off all night, I press the power button the computer lights up like it's going to start but nothing happens, I can't reset, so I have to hold the power button in until it shuts itself off and then turn it on again and then it will start up *occasionally with a weird siren sound and the screen flickering green then red*. But finally it will start and I'll be working away and then all of a sudden it will shut down, and start up with the Microsoft Scan disk screen checking my Drive C:.
This is really bugging me, I've had my computer formatted 4 times in the last month, and nothing has changed, I keep getting weird blue screens because some .vxd's couldn't be found...bla bla.
If anyone can help me I would totally appreciate it, I'm begining to think that its got something to do with the bios which I know nothing about.
If you have any information for me could you please send me an email at
Thanks so much.