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 help with OE 017f:bff9dfff Post a Reply  
From: Kathy on 07/03/2002
Trying to help my mom with her Quantex computer, running Win98. She's been having problems so I reinstalled Win98. She's still getting a fatal exception OE 017f:bff9dfff error, and has to turn off the computer to escape - nothing else works. Any help would be appreciated.

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From: Computerpilot on 07/08/2002

When you reinstall Windows 98 and get the same error message, logic dictates that you are receiving the error message due to a recent application or hardware device that you have installed.

I do not have enough information to give you an exact cause of the problem, but here is a few things that would trigger this type (OE error) of error:

*Have you recently installed high speed internet? Sometimes the software may conflict with the operating system. Also, most of these companies install a USB modem that requires some users to purchase a USB hub because they are out of open USB ports. Do you have one of these? They FREQUENTLY create these messages and can be fixed! Just post back for this type of problem.

*Recent freeware or shareware installs have created error messages such as the one you are experiencing. These programs sometimes are not built in the best manner and can create memory problems.

*Does the error occur during startup? Check to see what programs are running in the background that might be mysterious. Control-Alt-Del will give you a listing.

*Do you have a recent Antivirus software installed? Is it up to date? Enough said here!

*What activity(s) are you doing when the error message occurs? This would indicate a potential problem with the program that you are running. I bet it occurs when surfing the Internet...

*Have you recently added RAM or an upgraded processor? How about a new hard drive, sound card or video? Perhaps a new network card for high speed internet? Adding new hardware will also be a suspect in your quest.

I would start with these issues. Another option that we use for troubleshooting is a step-by-step reinstall. Do not install all of the software. Only install one at a time and do a little work with the computer (specifically the activities that you were doing in the previous install when the error message occurs). If it does not occur, install the next software. This can be done the same way with hardware. I would not be concerned about hardware that came with the computer. This is most likely not creating the error message.

Hope this helps, feel free to post back with more information on your troubleshooting process for a solution.



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