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 Computer Keeps Restarting Post a Reply  
From: Edd on 03/12/2003
About a week ago my computer started to randomly retart about once a day. This problem slowly started to get worse and worse as it restarted more oftern. Then yesterday it resatarted again, but after it did a disc check (due to the untimely restart) it restarted again not even letting me onto my XP OS. Now it will not let me on at all. If I cancel the disc check, it restarts. I have tryed going into safe mode but before it goes in it freezes. I have tred the 'Start your computer to the last settings that worked' option, and well, yes, it restarts. I am really baffled to what could be the problem to this. I have not added any new hardware recently, and I am currently running on my other hard drive installed on the computer with Win 98 on with no problems... Please could anyone give me some advice as all my college work is on the drive and I would be very upset if I had to format... :o(

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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: ayobaju on 09/05/2003
all I very well believe is that , if you have not burn out your processor by now, is to quickly:
open the case of the computer
start the computer again
then look closely to the processor fan
I belief 80% that the fan has stoped
if it han change it imidiately.
by the time the cooling fan of a precessor stops
bigin to behave like you hve described
no matter amont of power supply you change or hard disk swaping
i pray this message get to you before your processor stops working

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From: Anthony Gallina on 03/16/2003
It sounds like your power supply is going out. This problem is common after the system starts to heat up. I have seen it before and had to pay to have it fixed bcause it baffled me. Try switching to a known good power supply if you can.

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From: Slink9 on 03/13/2003
If XP is running under NTFS yu are going to have problems with the seeing of your files from a FAT32 system, Get your XP CD-rom and boot from it, use the recovery consol to recover your files from the pc, Re-install windows xp under the repair mode, then worry about the format later if XP is totally shot..

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From: tim on 03/12/2003

prob might not help, but why not try takin out ya hard drive, fitting it on another comp and copying across the files ya need? that way reformatting don't sound so paifull

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From: Edd on 03/12/2003
Ummmmm, No. I ain't in a catholic college, just a normal one. Are you saying that my computers completely messed and there is no cure for it???

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From: Yvette Nelson on 03/12/2003
Dearest Edd!

The Lord AND Satan work in mysterious ways.

Are you attending a Catholic College?

I STRONGLY suggest that you destroy your computer immediately. Go to the local five and dime and purchase a lovely tablet and some lovely number 2 pencils. However, under no circumstances are you to purchase pens...the ink causes cancer.

Retreat to the Lord and all will be fine.

God bless you.
I will pray for you.

Love and kisses,


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