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 Game Freezes Over and Over Again! Post a Reply  
From: Trever on 01/16/2003
Can anyone help me with this? I have tried everything I can except replacing parts.. I did replace my Video Card but still have the problem. The problem is whenever I play games it starts out very well and doesn't have any problems but only a minute after starting the game the game gets very choppy and freezes for 15-20 seconds and then it goes away allowing me to play the game again... but then the freezing comes back another 30 seconds later or so.... I've played Return to castle wolfenstein, everquest, swat 3, and operation flashpoint... I have had this problem in every game... single player and multiplayer games are now freezing randomly on me everytime. This never happened when I first got the computer.. I have a windows XP system, I have a pentium 4, geforce 4 ti 4200 card, 512 megs of ram, Soundmax sound card, Cable Modem.... I have tried pretty much everything and the computer is supposed to be one of the best when I bought it but there's something that is preventing me from enjoying any game on my computer anymore... this freezing never happens unless I play games... movies and all that other stuff work just fine... only games are the problem..... is the problem the video card, sound card, or something else? I upgraded my video card from a geforce 2 when I first had the problem

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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Nolo on 09/24/2005
a very common problem ive seen is the via chipset and gforce memory channel problem... my way of reproducing a freeze on my kt400 via and fx5200 is if in bios video bios cacheable is enabled and video ram shadow IT WILL FREEZE .. some boards dont have one of the 2 options in bios .. some do. my biostar m7vit and m7vit pro do exact same problem. but with a gforce 2 it only laggs slightly at some points. then i turn off those 2 options and it doesnt lag.

goood luck. check with for further enlightenment!


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From: Tom on 06/12/2004
This is exactly what i had in bf1942, i fixed it by increasing the vitual memory to 4095mb. When my game freezed you could see the hd flashing away indicating that Windows was trashing the hd, this in my case was caused by the limited page file (virtual memory) which was having to be "paged in and out", that is files that were being paged (loaded by the game into vm) had no where to be stored (coz it was full) so Windows removes old virtual memory (older paged files like sfx and gfx) and puts in the newly loaded files, this takes time and also means that the game must wait while the files are being stored (cached), this is why the hd flashes and everything stops, its known as "disk thrashing". Forget all the comments claiming you need 1gig of ram and even a new heat sink!! (haha) Disk thrashing can also occur when the page file is very fragmented, this is because the hd has to "scan to" different locations on the disk to read a single file, instead of all the data being contiguous. Yet another cause is when the disk becomes very full. When this occurs the page file cannot expand, and if it does it will probably be fragmented because there are no contiguos memory blocks remaining, instead the remaining space is dotted around the disk. So solution to this is: 1) bigger and faster hard disk. 2) Insure your virtual memory settings are at max (4095mb in windows 2k) and all on one disk.

Tom Deloford


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From: Lee on 06/05/2004
I just read a comment from a guy further up in which he mentions a log file that can cause this problem, can some1 please tell me where this is kept. I tried doing a searce under log and got about 5 pages full of results, which 1 is he talking about?

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From: Lee on 06/05/2004
I'm getting this as well, i use a nforce 2 moby, g force fx 5900 xt graphics, athlon 2400+, 2 x 500 mb 400mhx ram. Whenever i play Unreal 2004 the game works fine at first but after a while starts to freeze, but ive noticed that when it unfreezes the game is where it should be, kinda like lag, even though the fps is high (around 50 or 60 say), this is annoyning the crap of of me, ive tried drivers, updates, changing graphic settings, i even updated my bios and did a fresh install of windows. I have no idea as to what is causing this but i believe it to be direct x 9b as i never had any trouble before that came out. If some1 else knows better please let me know, thanks.

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From: Noah on 05/20/2004
I play Age of empires II and after like 1 miniute it freezes...just like that I can't get the computer working agan and I have to restart it...all other programs work fine except a few other games there a bit jumpy...I have to take out the Cd and put it back in for it to work...(single and multiplayer mode) for thease games...anyboddy got any Ideas?

I got windows 95
97 mb of ram
Pentium I 166mgh

ya it's old but it has has the requriments of the games I play on it so it shouldn't have a problem...

Thanx alot


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From: Stuart on 04/29/2004
I have an MSI KT4AV motherboard with Athlon 2500+, Inno3d Tornado FX5600 256MB VIVO video card and one piece of 512MB RAM. My power supply is 475 watts and all voltages are within permitted limits. The system works fine for normal applications and playing video's however when playing 3D games it freezes for around 20 seconds this repeats at intervals of 5 to 10 seconds in some games, e.g. Aliens vs Predator. I have tried all possible solutions except changing the AGP aperature size from 8x to 4x in BIOS as my BIOS (AMI) will not allow manual selection of the aperature size. In the manual supplied with the video card it states that there can be conflict between video card and motherboard in some instances and recommends changing the aperature size from 8x to 4x.

My son has a K7S5A motherboard with Athlon 1800+, HIS Excalibur FX5600 128MB video card and one piece 256MB RAM. He has no problems with his set up. Recently I decided to try his video card in my PC, it works perfectly with no freezing. I tried my Inno3d card in his computer and it works perfectly with no freezing. My sons motherboard supports only AGP 2x and 4x. It may be that my video card is operating ok in his computer because of the AGP 4x setting.

I now have an operational PC and my grey hair is slowly returning to its normal colour. Also I do not have the urge to throw the PC out of the window any more.

I hope that this info will be of assistance to someone, I know how frustrating it is to have a system which is unstable.


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From: David on 04/15/2004
Well, my wife had a very similar issue just yesterday with Everquest (the only game she plays). I upgraded her computer to a P4 2.4 with new motherboard, RAM, etc using the same video card she's had for about 8 months, an Nvidea GeForce 4 8x w/128 MB RAM. After the rebuild she would log into EQ and play for about 10 minutes and then video would start flashing, then get choppy then her PC would pretty much just hang. After numerous tweaks and attempts at fixing this by reloading drivers, tweaking antialiasing settings, modifying BIOS settings I think I finally figured it out to be her motherboard. She's got a Chaintech motherboard that supposedly has all these nice features (800mhz FSB, PC3200, 8x AGP, Prescott ready, etc) but it was a lowend board cost wise and I don't think its quite up to par with the numbers it proclaims. Her video issues actually disappeared after throttling back the AGP bus to 4x in the BIOS. This was really a last resort but she has played for hours without any further flashing so I'm ready to close the book on this one. If you can set your AGP speed in the BIOS try doing what we did. You won't notice any difference between 4x and 8x anyway other than less video issues with 4x.

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From: Aandien on 04/09/2004
You probably have /log on. Turn it off. It causes what you are experiencing. The problem gets worse the larger your logfile. If you must log, start a new one and keep the logfile under 5MB.

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From: drayon on 04/09/2004
My computer was doing the same thing as mentioned here....I would be in a game (MotorGP 2)and it would freeze for 2 seconds and at or about every 20 seconds. I found a solution for this problem, I simply lowered the graphics in the game, turned my resolutions to 800 x 600, refresh rate to 85Mhz and finally the numero uno thing that really helped. I deactivated my Spyware programs, Popup stopper and Antivirus. It seems with these programs running in the background, precious resources needed for my game to run properly was being transferred to these programs. So far, my game is up and running without freezing. I have a Dell 1800 Mhz Pentium 4 with 512 Mem., and 32Mb GeForce2 MX400 video card. I am not a computer geek but this worked for me so I thought you guys should try this fix.

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From: Jake on 04/05/2004
ty ty ty ty!!! For sharing this problem, since I have had it a few months. I am really into CS and have been playing for a few years and having this problem of "freezes" 3-4 seconds every second minute isnt what I recommend for match play :(

I/my expert friend, have tried switching graphic card, HD, RAM, Sound card and even keyboard and to mouse to USB instead of ps2. Nothing worked! Same problem.
Now I have ordered a "mother card" (sry dunno if its the right word for it in English :P

Itīs the only option left so I hope it fixes it, or I will sell it to someone who isnt into games :D


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From: MatchNL on 03/21/2004
Im running a nVidia 5200 gfx card with 1 gig of ram and a 2.6 ghz AMD processor, 200 gig hd, etc and EVERY TIME i run a game or something that uses the potential of my gfx card it wouldnt just freeze for 30 seconds, no, it would completely freeze up the entire system. The sound would repeat on itself and every bit of hardware just stops working.

(ex. Morrowind, NeverwinterNights, Age of Mythology, BF1942, and even Diablo2!!)

I know i have PLENTY of ram and i used to be able to run my games flawlessly until sometime after i was forced to install windows updates.... still, im wondering if my gfx is failing or something completely different. Can someone send any info on this to ???? thanx


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From: a1k on 03/09/2004
Most likely the problem is your RAM. I had this same problem, once i switched a stick of my ram from dimm slot 2 to 3 my freezing ingame has stopped completely. Try only using a single stick of ram, most likely it will not freeze for you, some motherboards only accept exact matches for ram and when there is not occasional freezing may occur.

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From: computeridiot on 03/04/2004
hey...uh. try these nvidia drivers. the file is called "53.04_win9x_english" . thats for 9x and win ME. return to wolfenstein didn't work for me. then installed this and... whhhaalla<----is that right? anyways...hope it helps someone cause I almost busted a nut after spending 3 hours (intoxicated) looking for these cursed drivers.

drunk and tired


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From: Trent on 02/14/2004

If that doesnt work, try reverting to old Nvidia Drivers


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From: Andreas on 01/22/2004
Well guys, a friend of mine had the same problem. 3D-Games had interruptions of 10-30 seconds. Allthough he had never been into overclocking and not done anything like that with his graphics-card, underclocking it solved the problems. He reduced the standard-core by 25Mhz and everything was fine. Strange one, but true. You can try it with a programm called Powerstrip, e.g.



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From: RobWizard on 01/16/2004
Two things to try here. First, try the new silver paste that heat sinks the procesor to the fan. I had some freezing during gameplay and it went away after I got some proper paste on the processor. Next, I build systems using the Inel D865GLC board and my guy told me to use a 300 watt power supply at minimum. I'm using the Antec SLK1600 case with no issues. Of course, these are business machines that don't run games so I can't be sure I wouldn't be having the same issues. Just something to try.

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From: ola on 01/15/2004
same here. . .appeared out of the blue, I've had it for like 8 months now. . I think it has to do with the motherboard, I've changed graphicscard twice. and besides, i get this problem whenever I try to play a graphic heavy game but also once when I searched the entire computer for a specific word contained in any file. ..that search was so massive that it did the samt thing to the system that these games do. ..

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From: dude on 01/15/2004
could it have anything to do with apic mode? The one thing im seeing in common on a lot of boards is that people dint have this prob until there bios got set to apic enabled.

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From: Jeremy on 01/08/2004
I have the same problem in Everquest. It's not a heat issue. It's not performance settings. It's not the driver. I've tried everything, to tell ya the truth, except finding a way to roll back to direct x 9.0 NOT 9.0b are others here using 9.0b?

This started in November for me, BTW, right up out of the blue. Was it a similar time from for y'all?


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From: deni on 12/22/2003
omg guys..i have the same problem..for example in counter-strike...i play fine..then 20 seconds in..the game lag or something then it goes back..then another 20 seconds...and on and doesnt end...and it even happend to single player games like age of empires and this only happends on games..i dont know what the problem worked fine about 4 weeks its killing me and i cant stand it anymore...

Gforce 4
256 sdram
only a 733mhz :(

any1 please help..i read this whole topic..but i still dont know what to dooooo! thx


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From: IdiotFool on 12/08/2003
Win XP
Athlon 2000+
GeForce MX 440

My computer does this as well, and I've not upgraded the beast at all. It all just started about a month ago. I had thought it was just a graphics card problem, but I've noticed the system itself is degrading. All the things that used to work before no longer work. This is really frustrating... Not even warcraft 2 runs anymore, yet DVDs do. Odd... And, I left the old graphics drivers at home, and my mom seems to have thrown them out. Doesn't look like I'll be fixing this problem...


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From: koala on 12/05/2003
I also have problem after upgrading to FeForce Fx5200 8xAGP. My board is 4xAGP. All my 3D games hang.
I think I solve it by setting the BIOS to 2xAGP.
Well, I think I'm stuck with 2x until nVidia release a new driver...

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From: Ironman on 11/29/2003
I've had freezing problems with almost all of my games(renegade, RA2, NOLF, DiabloII, counterstrike, etc.). Almost right after starting a game, I'd receive total system lock-up. I still have some problems, but I've done a couple things to cut down on freezes. First, for all the users of the popular fire-wall program Zonealarm: the ZA's truevector engine was the cause of some of my freezes. Try another firewall program, or simply turn off ZA during offline play. Second, depending on how much you have, a RAM upgrade may help. I still experience freezing, but at a much lower frequency. Probably not the quick-fix everyone is looking for, but...hey, when did computers ever make anything easier?

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From: Khaos on 11/22/2003
guys dont worry its not just nvidia. i have a radeon 9700 pro that freezes up randomly as well.

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From: john on 11/18/2003
games crash after the up grade reinstall direct x nine to fix the problem. also have a least 400 watt psu for any computer with a geforce fx or radeon equivillant or higher.

You miss 100% of the shots you never take!!!!


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From: john on 11/18/2003
i built many systems no problem.
but having freezing probs on my lastest system.
amd duron 850
transcend via kt133a
256mb pc 100 ram(128,64,64)
voodoo 3 2000 pci
psu 235 watts

windows 2000 pro service pack 4

computer just freezes periodically for no reason somtimes one minute other times not for hours.
last night i got four hours without a freeze.
all components have been tested termally and none are over heating
max temp of cpu 30 C, psu, 28 C, system board 28 C.
there are no virus present
there are no reg errors
there are no irq conflicts
everything in bios is correct
there is no emi

can anybody please give me the answer to my problem??
as this system is not for me the person wont except these crashes.
as i might live with them until a fix.


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From: G on 11/14/2003
theres a common factor here, NVIDIA, i think the problem is the new drivers go back to an older set you know to have worked fine.

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From: Wade on 10/18/2003
I had this same "sort" of problem and I kind of fixed it. Be sure you download the drivers from your MANUFACTURER, not nvidia. For example, since mine is Gainward, i went to and got the latest driver, NOT That helped me to stop freezing for 10 secs every minute or so. But still, my performance is really lacking (compared to what it used to be) ... hoping that someone has a genius fix!

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From: Frankie on 10/07/2003
Hey guys,

I have always ran AMD and just replaced my AMD 2400mhz system with an Intel P4 2.4ghz, Intel d865glc 800mhz front side motherboard, 512mb ddr ram, 80gb 1.2ghz harddrive (the new faster one), onboard Soundmax soundcard, and I upgraded my video card from a gforce4 440 to a TI4200, also put everything into a new case.

I am now experiencing the same problem, I really only play Counter-Strike and when i get into the game it seems fine with good ping around 60 or 70 and then it freezes for 5 - 10 seconds and then unfreezes allowing me to play for a few seconds then does it again. It is driving me crazy.

It never did it with my other system but i have a new case,motherboard,processor,harddrive,memory, and video card so it is tough to figure out where the problem is.

I will keep working on it and post again if I find anything out.


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From: Nic on 09/29/2003
I had this problem,but all i did was replace the onboard sound card it was a cheap $24 one and it works fine

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From: david on 09/23/2003
I have an a bit ktza motherboard with a gainward geforce4 graphics card. Was having all sorts of stop errors when playing video files so reformated my harddrive and reinstalled win 98 and xp pro. now when i try and play videos my computer seems to jsut freeze. it happens in both win 98 and xp. was wondering if there is a setting in the bios that will sort this because i didn't use to have this problem before i stupidly reset the bios once. thank you.

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From: Noah on 09/02/2003
I have a similar problem to you guys, similar hardware (abit motherboard, Geforce ti4200, AMD athlon 2100+, 512 MB ram @ 133mhz, blah blah blah) and I found that my computer not only freezes periodically for a few seconds while gaming, but out of it too. I was listening to music on my computer and the same freezing occured. It did not do this type of thing before :-/

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From: chunk on 07/08/2003
damn it, me too!

I'm so glad I found this bbs. I have a problem with my system locking... totally freezing after 30 seconds to minute. My specs

Win XP All Upgrades minus SP1
Chaintec 7NJL1 Summit nForce2 mother board
Athlon +2200XP CPU
768 MB Kingston DDR400/PC3200 RAM
nVidia 256 MB FX5600 video card
300W Power source

I lock immediately when playing MOHAA, BF1942

Some older games don't lock at all. I've even reformatted my HD and installed only XP, graphics & audio drivers and the games.... still locks.

I know it's not the graphics card because I've swapped the card onto a PIII 500mh Intel running 500 mb PC100 RAM and it runs fine.

Reading through other people's postings, I'm thinking it's the powersupply. i'm going to try getting a 400w.


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From: Dave on 04/09/2003
Seems to be a very common problem. I have experienced this same lag freeze then back to normal at the one minute of play to twenty seconds of freeze time.
I'm running
Compaq 1.5 Ghz
640 mg ram
raedon 9000 pro II graphics card
cable internet (same problem off line too)
audigy 2 sound card
I'm totally out of ideas
Someone on another forum said that it maybe a poor power source or a temperature problem on the cpu settings. I'm not to keen on changing the temp alarm though. I can see a melt down in my future that way.
This happens on counter strike on and off line any any graphics intense game.

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From: Inquizitor on 04/08/2003
Hi guys, i've been having the same prob.Here's my spec:

Athalon 2000(1666 mhs)
Geforce 4 mx 440
512 ram(SD)
win me
creative soundcard
56k modem

I've had the prob on the following games:Alien vs predator 2, C&C genrals, Max payne, and C&C renegade.It just freezes up after 20-40 minuits.


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From: Desperado on 04/06/2003
I've got the same problem as you guys, and its really driving me crazy :(

My system:
Asus P4S333, 512RAM, Gainward Geforce4Ti4200, WinXP SP1, latest drivers etc and my system still freeze. Not only 3D games, but also a movies :( I am hardly depressed :((


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From: sidkid on 04/05/2003
well, i upgraded from asus ti4200 8x agp to the radeon 9700 pro 8x on a gigabyte kt400, xp2000, pc2700, win xp. and my game freezes as well. but it doesnt happen to me until about 30mins go buy, and as far as i can tell, it doesnt unfreeze. My friend said that he reinstalled the game and the problem went away. maybe it will work for you.

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From: Ian M. on 03/26/2003

I have had the same kind of problem for a long time now. I believe it is the mixture of G-Force cards and bad AGP support on the Abit motherboards ( i have the KT7 model). The only way i can play a game for more than 10 seconds is to switch off the AGP in the BIOS. No matter what voltages, software updates, reg hacks, sex changes i do the only fix is AGP OFF!

Dam shame, and infuriating towards ABIT.

my spec:
AMD 1.4 Athlon :: 256MB :: ABIT KT7 (upgraded bios too) :: G-Force TI4200 (ABIT brand too).


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From: Nick on 03/20/2003
I have a...

AMD Athlon XP 1600+ (1.4ghz)
512 DDR
GeForce 3 (only)

My problem is that when I play a game like Counter Strike. My scree would go black after 2 min of game play. it would not jump back. I had to restart.

Could this be overheating?

Becuase it would always happen..


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From: Slayer on 03/15/2003
I just started to experiance this problem as well after i replaced my cpu fan i got a ath xp1700 512 ddr and a Geforce3 ti 500 i think it may be a heat problem as well cause i didn't have a prob before

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From: telgere on 03/12/2003
Same problem
Have tried numerous drivers
specs are amd xp 1.7
gf3 ti 500
512 ddr ram

ive flashed bios, formatted etc etc

the problem seems to come and go, very frustrating


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From: NizZ8 on 03/12/2003
Having same problem w/ my PC - games will randomly freeze for a few seconds, but just my newer 3d shooters, battlefield1942, MOHAA, NOLF2 etc.. Nothing else causes my PC to hang, movies,music,developing, whatevah

P4 1.7
512mg ram PC2700
Asus P4s333mb
geforce 3 ti500

have been looking around at other forums and found a suggestion of what could be the problem to be too weak of a power supply.. which could be it in my case..


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From: loco on 02/01/2003
i have the same problem
this may coz due to over heat in either cpu or the graphic card it self.i still havent figured it out yet.r u running amd cpus?

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From: Trever on 01/17/2003
Thanks for the advice. Right now I've decided to buy the Radeon 9700 Pro and see if a different brand of video card and different drivers will fix the freezing problem... if not I will go over your advice. Thanks Again

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From: Computerpilot on 01/17/2003

Try turning down some of the performace of the video card as a test. Hardware accelleration, resolution (set in game - not windows), antialiasing, etc. Also check to be sure that it is running 4X instead of 2X or less. You can check this in the BIOS and in the video card driver.

This one is a tough one to diagnose. Your computer should be able to work through games without this type of problem.

Just a suggestion...



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