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 Internet Explorer illegal Operation. Post a Reply  
From: Randy on 01/05/2003
On Windows 98 SE. Installed IE 6.0 from MS. Now, everytime I click on any program using TCP connections, I get an Illegal Operation occored in module "unknown". However, in a dos window, it pings and trace routes to all internet sites without a problem. So the TCP is set up correctly. I have tried removing all network components and reinstalling,(both hardware and Software). I even reinstalled Windows 98, same problem. I do not want to format the hardrive and start over, to many programs installed with downloaded programs and poor achive of sources. THis problem haas been driving me nuts for over a week. Any suggestions? HELP!!!!!

PS: I have another computer on the same network with same operating system and have been comparing system files, and still no luck



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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Kenny on 03/30/2003
i went over to install my girlfriends printer software and her computer had been doing that off and on but after i installed it. it started doing it all the time. how can i get rid of it, just un install windows and reinstall it??

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From: MJ on 01/26/2003
Run adaware fixed mine

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From: Computerpilot on 01/17/2003

Funny you should say that!

I just finished working with an employee that had a problem with Zone Alarm. I found out that after a year of running Zone Alarm on his computer, a trojan had been sending out data from his computer without notification. Or you know what... it just might have notified him...we would never know.

That is the exact problem with Zone Alarm (FREE EDITION!!!, not paid). Beginner users have a hard time determining what is good and what is bad. Conservative users will usually shut down critical programs from the Internet and liberal users will contract trojans and allow hacker attempts.

Installing Norton Firewall 2003 picked up the port transmission on install (no user input necessary other than easy setup). I think that is worth the $30 or $40 you pay for the software. I am sure that I would get the same result with Zone Alarm PRO.

Please realize I give this advice to beginners. Most people with problems on this board are not experienced users such as yourself. That is why I give the advice I do. Zone Alarm basic is not for the unexperienced computer user. They should consider the PRO version or another solution.

Thanks for your constructive critisim.



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From: Hank on 01/09/2003
I have used Zone Alarm for years, it's great. You just shut it off if you think it's blocking something and most of the time you just need to look in it's setting screen.
If you don't like the GRC guy then just say so, but telling people to remove a security feature is not good without good reason.
Zone Alarm blocks a zillion cracker hits from asia via my cable modem every day. I would say it has saved me from damage many, many times.

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From: Randy - Thanks on 01/08/2003

Thanks for your input. I finally solved it by wiping out windows(erasing all files in windows directory) and reinstalling on a blank system. THe problem then went away. Interesting enough, I had saved the registry before wiping out windows, and when I restored the regestry, the problem re-appeared. So it was some strange registry setting. I again had to wipe out windows and reinstall to get it operating.

Concerning your freeware comment...Highly likely the source of the problem. My 4 kids (2 teenagers) are constantly downloading junk! I tell them to stay off my cpu and only do it on the "kid" cpu. but!!!

Thanks for your help


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From: Computerpilot on 01/08/2003

It sounds like there is a software product or freeware/shareware that is causing the problem. Specifically, something that plugs into IE. You may try cleaning out the Downloaded Program Files (folder with 'E' icon in your Windows/WINNT directory). There could be a malfunctioning plugin.

Zone Alarm? If so, REMOVE IT. Do not disable it. UNINSTALL it. Norton 2003 firewall or Zone Alarm Pro will be a better solution. Zone alarm can block out critical programs/system files from accessing the Internet. This can bring an OS to failure. This is more so with conservative zone alarm users.

You can try another browser to see if you have problems with hardware. However, I am guessing you do not. In addition, Netscape may not use the same plugins as IE.

Make sure port 80 is open and clear through any routers or NAT software/hardware.

If none of this works, you may try another NIC card (assuming that this is what you are using - you did not mention if you were using NIC or modem).



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From: Randy on 01/05/2003
Another Clue. tracert -d works fine, however tracert without the -d crashes.

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From: Randy on 01/05/2003
PS: THe network from CPU to CPU works fine over the same TCP.

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