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 IE 5.5 - OleMainThreadWndName problem Post a Reply  
From: Michael on 08/16/2000
Today I updated my IE 5.01 to 5.5. After installation and the reboot I tried to start IE and connect to the Internet (I use a cable-modem connection). But suddenly IE crashed and Norton CrashGuard shows me the following reason: OleMainThreadWndName

What the hell is that, and does anybody have a solution? Help would be appreciated.

PS: sorry for my bad english ;)



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--- Replies to this Problem ---
From: Ken on 08/18/2000

But suddenly IE crashed and Norton CrashGuard shows me the following reason: OleMainThreadWndName

from Microsoft:

If an application makes a SQLConnect or SQLDriverConnect call to ODBC Desktop Drivers 3.x, and if the application is idling after SQLConnect or SQLDriverConnect has returned, any other application that broadcasts a DDE message (message broadcasters) may hang. Once the application disconnects from the database, the hanging application works normally.

When SQLConnect or SQLDriverConnect is called, ODBC DeskTop Drivers initialize OLE using threads that they create internally. As a result of OLE initialization, three hidden windows--DDEServerWindow, OLEChannelWnd, and OLEMainthreadwndname--are created.

If the thread that made the database connection is idle, then the hidden windows will not respond to any broadcast DDE messages sent by other applications. For example, if an application broadcasts a message such as WM_DDE_INITIATE to all windows, the SendMessage hangs until all the top- level windows have received the message. Because the thread that created the hidden windows is idle and does not respond, the application hangs. This is a known OLE issue in mutithreaded applications.

I use Norton Crashguard to get rid of the window - but I still don't know how to stop it.

If there are new objects being loaded as appear in your system configuration under START/programs/accessories/system tools/system information
then unclick the ones that were recently added

and always save your registry BEFORE you upgrade

I finally fixed the problem when I re-installed windows98


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